Manufacturers & Exporters of Digital LED Stopwatch Clocks, Token Number Displays / Queue Management Systems, Sports Timing Equipment, Race Clocks, LED Sports Clocks, Time & Date Clocks. Sports Timing Equipments, record end-of-race results, Mile-Marker Race clocks.


5 Digit Token Display - Digital Display System

Model: CT5D1 (1" HIGH DIGITS) & Model:CT5D05 (0.5" HIGH DIGITS)

Keypad control unit for 5 digit display

Model: CT5D10 (10" high digits)


  • Simple operation and easy to install.

  • Sounds beep with change of calling number. Option to automatically increase or decrease

  • Single key automatic UP /DOWN counting & pleasant bell with every change of number.

  • Feather touch heavy duty key board.

  • Robust design. Lightweight ABS Plastic molded control cabinets & lightweight LED displays.

  • Solid state high efficiency circuit with 8 bit micro controller. 


1. Connect the Display with main control unit by connector cable provided.

2. Connect Mains cable of console to 100 to 240 VAC . ( Also connect 12 Volt Battery at DC socket or UPS for back-up if required ). Switch ON the system by RED Power ON/OFF switch provided at side.

3. Select the required new number flashing duration by keeping pressed a number key + B Key before switching ON the system. e.g. ( 1 + B makes display flash for 1 sec.) ( 5 + B for 5 sec.)

4. If desired Bell can be switched off by selecting the switch at top of display.

Power Supply : 100 - 240Volts AC or 12VDC
Connecting cable : 3 core cable with Modular connector at display and 9 pin D connector at Control unit. Standard cable length shipped is 10 meters. Maximum recommended cable length 25 meters.

Product Details Digit (inches) Product Model No. (International Price) USD INR

5 Digit TOKEN Display System


CT5D05 95 3000


CT5D1 110 3200


CT5D15 120 3500


CT5D2 150 5500


CT5D4 190 6500


CT5D6 325 10500


CT5D10 510 15000
  12 CT5D12 650 20000

Note: For customers within India, GST @ 18% will be charged extra. Shipping charges are included.

Manufactured By :

1 , Indraprastha , Sewla, Majra, Dehradun (INDIA) Tele : +91-9358106627, +91-7017554320
Email :     copyright


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