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Digital Heartbeat Rate Monitor with Infra-Red Finger / Ear Lobe Clip Sensor 

Alphanumeric LCD Display

  COSY Earlobe Sensor COSY Finger Clip Sensor

Ear lobe Application  / Finger Clip application

Infra-Red Optical Finger /Ear Lobe Clip sensor.

  • Monitors pulse rate and rhythm.
  • Alphanumeric LCD Display .
  • Pulse monitoring by sound beeps and LED indication.
  • Shows Pulse Rate per minute after every 5 pulse count.
  • 10 or 15 pulse count average also selectable.
  • Infra-Red Optical Finger /Ear Lobe Clip sensor.
  • Bar Graph to display signal sensitivity.
  • 15 Memories .
  • Lightweight, Easy to handle, Simple operation.
  • Works on power and battery both.
  • Recommended for hospitals, small clinics, medical research centers, exercise / workout Gyms and sports activity centres.
  • Latest Technology - Very Economically priced .

Model :

PM12 -Rs.3,465/- only GST & shipping extra

International price including shipping through EMS speed post or couriers :

USD 100 only

Also available models with computer interface and extra large displays.

For Exports Enquiry Click here 


Also available Infra- Red finger /Earlobe clip probe separately.

Click Here For details of Infra- Red finger /Earlobe clip sensor probe specifications

Extra 3 digit desk / wall mounting display  with 1 inch high digits (available with model : PM-112W only .)

Larger display sizes in 2" or 4" LED characters also made for custom requirements

Introduction  COSY Heartbeat Monitor/ Digital Pulse Meter is the economically priced instrument with latest technology. Using an advanced micro controller based circuit & probe design it provides an easy way to measure and monitor heartbeat rate. The instrument uses Infrared sensors which can easily be clipped to finger ends or ear lobes to detect the heartbeat by finger plythysmography technology. A bar graph is provided to adjust the position of sensors at the best signal location. The unit is lightweight, easy to handle, extremely durable.
The detachable Infra-Red probe is designed to get the best results in all type of pulse rate measurement applications.
The pulse is also shown by LED indication and Piezo beep sounds.

Home Use The simple design and easy operation allows  individuals to monitor the heartbeat during exercise and workouts. The device provides great safety to individuals with known heart problems.  
The readings of  pulse meters are accurate enough when they count from your finger or ear lobe at normal body temp. 
A normal, healthy, human heart beats about 72 times per minute. A lower heart rate can result from being a consistent exerciser, from some medications for heart or blood pressure problems, or simply because of your genetic order.
Your  heart rate at resting position can be measured by recording your pulse before arising in the morning on two or three different days and averaging the figures. If your rate is less than 50, or more than 90, please consult your doctor.
Your maximum heart rate is related with your age. Take 220 and subtract your age. This is rate as fast as your heart can safely be allowed to beat . Target heart rate  should be 50 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. Target heart rate is required to estimate the useful intensity of exercise , by measuring heartbeats per minute. To begin a  healthy activity program, aim for 50 to 60 percent of maximum heart rate. For a moderate exerciser, try 60 to 70 percent. If you are in great  fitness condition then you may go for 70 to 80 percent of your max heart rate. Your pulse rate should come back to normal within 10 minutes after stopping the exercises or activity, if it does not - it means you are over exercising .

Information Courtesy : various related internet sources. 

All above information is for general reference only , Always consult your doctor before reaching any final conclusions.

Operation :

1. Connect the AC Adapter and Sensor to the device & Switch ON the Red power switch.

2. Clip the sensor to the finger tip ( on the center of nail of fore finger ) or on ear lobe as shown, as per requirement Keep your hand and body stationary and breath normally. 

3. Push the Bar Graph Button and adjust the position of sensor on finger clip or ear lobe to get the maximum consistent signal. Normally a minimum of 6 to7 bars flashing with heartbeat rhythm should be visible to get the proper result.

( Proper readings may not be obtained if body temperature is below 35’C or fingers are very cold because this is due to an insufficient blood flow to finger ends). Also it may not be always possible to get the required sensitivity at earlobes due to various factor like dark skin color , insufficient flow of blood, presence of hair etc. 

4. Push the BPM button to start getting pulse beeps with LED indication and showing pulse count in display . After every 5 pulses the meter shows the average pulse per minute count. The average reading after every 5 pulses is stored in memory 
up to 15 times. The actual useful reading will be after about 10 pulses (2nd or 3rd reading).

For detailed observation the readings of about 1 minute in the Memory may be used. Pressing the memory button will automatically show all the readings from start in the memory one by one. 

5. To take fresh set of readings press reset and start again as above. 

6. It is also possible to get the more accurate average reading after every 10 or 15 pulses by keeping pressed the BPM or BAR GRAPH buttons before switching ON the machine and then releasing the same.   

Technical Specifications: 
* POWER SOURCE : 9 VOLTS ADAPTER (INCLUDED) or 9 Volt Chargeable battery Type GF22( Not Included)
* SIZE & WEIGHT : 14 x 7 x 3.5 cm & 250 gms. (Approx.) 

Accessories Included:

1. Infra-Red Finger /Ear lobe clip sensor .
2. 9 Volt Adapter
3. Operating Instructions sheet.

Prices :  

  1. Digital Pulse Rate Monitor , Model PM12  :  Rs.3,300/-  , (US$ 100 including shipping for international customers)
  2. -----do-----with 3 digit external wall display ( 1 inches LED characters), Model PM12W : Rs.5225/-  each ( US$ 190 for international customers)

GST & shipping extra.  Export prices including international shipping through EMS are indicated in US$ 

Note: For customers within India, GST @ 18% will be charged extra. Shipping charges are included.

Manufactured By :

1 , Indraprastha , Sewla, Majra, Dehradun (INDIA) Tele : +91-9358106627, +91-7017554320
Email :     copyright


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